Yupps , your eyes ain't playing tricks on you
McWeddings for you little McDonalds freaks out there !
WTH McWeddings?
I knew nuts about it until my friend @cynthiaong tweeted about it this morning.
First thing that came into my mind :
Siao eh , who will have wedding in McDonalds?
Wedding dinner eat Mcspicy and nuggets meh ?
(Apparently there are such people , read down )
Thenthenthen .
I just think that I was rather interesting
& could share with people who spend time in this space of mine
I head on to Google it out !
This McWedding package thingy was launched in January this year, in Hongkong .
To enjoy this package, the price offered was around $400 (not sure which currency)
And it only can accommodate only up to a 100 people.
According to source ,the idea first came about after one couple, who met at a McDonald’s, held their wedding reception at a branch in Hong Kong earlier this year.
And for your information , the newly-wed couples does not deserve any special treatment.
They are still supposed queue up and collect their food like normal customers.
Although they are still provided with reception and a wedding cake.
According of one the sources from the net , there are around 70 couples who had already signed up !!
What are they thinking seriously?
Eating fast food for wedding?
I feel that it is definetely something out of the norm ,
But not worth it to spend your one and only wedding dinner in a fast food restuarant.
Standing at an asian's point of view,
I feel that it is not sincere enough and too informal.
Oh no , I'm hungry after talking about McDonalds.
Please share with me your views about McWeddings!
Maybe it's to save costs as well since a normal banquet is so expensive. :D Normally it's a few hundred per table; mcwedding is probably less than $50 per table? hahah.