Had dinner with Bernard yesterday
@ Mr curry .
Which is another branch under the waraku family.
Whatevery it is.
2nd visit there.
My first visit was with Jiawen .
To eat ice cream after work (L)

Saw this cute thing while waiting for seats.
I guess its their mascot or something .
Its a suit.
Dam fluffy can die.
I held its hand and sayang it until
The waiter came to take us to our seats.


Retarded Bernard's face.

The wall deco .
What if there's an earthquake while eating ? ...

Bernard's mushroom soup.
Which actually taste okay & normal.

Bernard's apple soda

My lime juice.
Actually it has a more atas name
But I cannot remember the spelling.(笑)

My seafood omelette curry rice.
Err , I thought the rice was butter rice.
But its plain rice.
The egg is quite bland
+ it has a milky taste
Which I dont like.
The seafood was chopped up into small pieces
In which I cant really taste the freshness of the seafood .

Bernard's tomato ebi omelette rice.
I think the name is this.
Cant remember much .
I was too hungry .
The tomato ebi roe sauce is quite thick .
& I dont think I can finish the whole thing
Cause it gets quite sick after awhile.
(I had a mouthful and I was already quite sick of the taste)
So overall ,
I dont quite like the food.
If I have to rate it
It would be 3/5
The ambience is good.
Staff service okay okay.
Food not very nice .
& portion quite small.
Tastebuds varies.
Whatever taste I dislike/not tasty to me
Might not be awful to you .

No pictures of me cause I forgot to take picture of myself.
p/s : Poor quality as pictures are taken by my blackberry.
p/p/s : I didnt expect to see bernard & had dinner together.
p/p/p/s : I forgot to bring cammy out.
Thanks for reading!

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